Technology Guidelines





The purpose of the Millis Public Schools' computer network is to advance and promote education for pre-kindergarten through grade 12. It is intended to assist its users in the collaboration and exchange of information among all that are concerned with education.


The goal of the Millis Public Schools is to promote innovation and educational excellence for all learners pre-kindergarten through grade 12. To achieve this goal, the network must provide high quality information and communication resources to the educational community in an equitable, cost-effective manner, while promoting a safe and secure environment for use of the network and respect for the individual rights of all users.


Primary users of the Millis Public Schools' network are teachers, administrators, other educators, and students. Under certain circumstances, network administrators may permit a non-educator to use the network, provided the individual demonstrates that his/her use furthers the purpose and goals of the network and public education in general.

Statement of Responsibility

The use of the network is a privilege. The user is responsible for what he/she says and does on the network. Communication with thousands of others is quick and easy. Therefore it is important for the user to stop and think before communicating and to show respect for other people and for their ideas.

It is beneficial for all users to keep the network running efficiently. Each user must take responsibility for keeping down costs and avoiding system disruption.

Network administrators will make reasonable efforts to maintain reliable service. They cannot, however, absolutely guarantee that the system will always be available or operating correctly. Student users should assume that none of their data is private or confidential. Any communication or data may be subject to review by network or school administration.

Internet access is available on every computer with network access in the Millis Public Schools. In general, the Internet is itself a complex network of regional, state, national, and international networks. This requires users to adhere to the same rules and guidelines outlined here for our network, as well as to any additional network policy procedures required, when the Internet connects them to other networks.



Students will:

• Be responsible for all activity/use under their account/access.

• Be responsible for the security and privacy of their passwords.

• Respect the privacy of others concerning mail, files, and other intellectual property.

• Respect all network security provisions and reasonably protect the computers and software from viruses and file damage.

Students will NOT:

• Use other students’ accounts and/or passwords.

• Lend accounts or passwords to other students.

• Reveal any personal information about themselves, their families, or other students, other than their first name and school district, in any emails, chat room postings, or other Internet forums.

• Attempt to meet any previously unknown person or persons contacted through the Internet.

• Deliberately attempts to alter or destroy data of another user, including by use of a virus.

• Harass or intimidate other network users either through email or Internet postings.

• Alter the configuration of a computer or network without permission of instructional staff.

• Damage, vandalize, or violate the security of any computer, computer system, or network.


Students will:

• Be polite and act responsibly and appropriately when using the network/Internet.

• Accept the responsibility to use the network only for educational purposes.

• Use language that is considered acceptable, non-threatening, and non-offensive.

• Respect the copyright laws and licensing associated with intellectual property including, but not limited to, the works of artists, poets, writers, songwriters, and software producers.

• Understand that use of the network is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT.

• Understand that violation of this policy will result in possible loss of network - Internet privileges and or other disciplinary action.

Students will NOT:

• Use the network for the transmission of any material in violation of any U.S., State, or Local regulations including, but not limited to the following: copyrighted material; threatening, racist, sexist, obscene, and pornographic material; or information protected by trade secret.

• Download files or programs and will not join listserves, newsgroups, or chat rooms without expressed permission of instructional staff.

• Use the network for commercial purposes, product advertisement, or political lobbying.

• Use the network for illegal activities, or in support of illegal activities.

• Use computers - network to play non-educational games or other non-academic activities.

• Intentionally waste resources such as paper, ink cartridges, ribbons, disks, storage space, etc.

• Use the network for any purpose that is inconsistent with the educational purpose intended.


Appropriate behaviors for network use follow the general guidelines for all appropriate behaviors and are outlined in individual school handbooks. Specific consequences for inappropriate network/Internet behavior are as follows:

• Any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in the cancellation of network privileges and disciplinary action. Network and school administrators will determine what is appropriate use of the network and computer systems. The administration of the Millis Public Schools may direct network administrators to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of computer or network related problems might be denied access to the network.

• Tampering with computer security systems will be considered vandalism, destruction, and defacement of school property.

• Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges, disciplinary action, and possible legal action. Vandalism in this instance is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy computer system hardware and/or user data on our network or other networks on the Internet and includes, but is not limited to, the downloading, uploading, or creating of computer viruses.

• The Millis Public Schools makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services it is providing. The Millis Public Schools will not be responsible for any damages suffered. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused for any reason.

Network Guidelines for Student Use

Certain behaviors have gained acceptance on the network - some because they avoid misunderstanding and maintain privacy and others because they help other users avoid a waste of time or help conserve system resources. As the user joins the on-line community, these behaviors should be practiced:

  • Include name and school at the bottom of email messages.

  • Keep all passwords private.

  • Check email frequently and delete or file outdated messages.

  • Never be vulgar or offensive ....... no swearing.

  • Never publicly criticize or anger others.

  • Be careful when using sarcasm and humor; without face-to-face communications, a joke may be misinterpreted or viewed as criticism.

  • When quoting in a message, attribute the quotation to its author or source.

  • Use all capitals only to highlight a word; if used for an entire message, people will think the user is shouting.

  • Make the "subject" as descriptive as possible.

  • Never send personal messages to conferences, discussion lists, or newsgroups.

  • Briefly restate or quote any question being answered.

  • Keep messages in the electronic mailbox (or trash) to a minimum because overload slows down the operation of the network.

  • Limit line length and avoid using control characters, so messages can be read on any system.

  • Remain within the disk quota.

For More Information

Please direct questions or concerns about the Millis Public Schools Network to the following school personnel:

Technical Issues: Computer Systems Manager

Instructional Issues: Principal

Policy Issues: Superintendent's Office

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